Saturday, 10 May 2014



A brain and a left hand awoke from the darkness

The first thing they thought of was to create an im-

Age and a language from the word positive.

The left-hand took the brush that was trained

For the right hand but the right hand was dead.

He lay there paralysed recovering looking at

The shadows on the ceiling or in his wheelchair

Looking out the window at the colour of nature

Going by.


Butterfly flutter by

Nature comes in the door

And drifts like time itself.

He knows what happened to him is a cold case

of bad luck and he blames no one.  The stroke

in his family genes, it lives in his children and in

his mother who gave him life and three beaut-

iful children, who’s love kept him alive.


He sits within his locked-in syndrome watching

His sky go by and translates that to poetry and art.

As if forming a form in a formless mind.  What-

Ever memory was erased during the stroke was

Restored.  He will never be the same again but


The days are rolling back.  It’s hard to be positive

when your body is mangled but he is trying to get

back his brain power through poetry and art.  Poetry

and art are all he has in life so they are becoming as

Keats ‘the beauty of truth’.


John Keats and Raymond Carver are two dead writers

That have given him hope and pulled him through

Those dark days.  It’s hard to find positivity in the shimmer

Of a leaf or on a hospital bed but he has found the balance

Between light and dark within the grey matter that matters

He has found hope where there is none.





Seeing is believing in

The world that is not

There, we look deep

Inside ourselves, in

The hope that we can

Share.  Life is there for

Living for a brain and a

Left hand.  The ramparts

Are guarding innocence

Upon the golden sands.

He is the king of his castle

His un-adopted world un-


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